If you have a demanding and hectic work schedule that takes up the majority of your day, it can be difficult to incorporate family time consistently. That’s why one of the first steps is prioritizing time with your family and setting more boundaries at work.
This can be done in a number of forms and will depend on your work situation. You could consistently log off from work or leave the office at a certain hour to make it home in time for dinner. Or turn off your phone for a few hours each evening to not be distracted by work emails. Or make a point to not reply to anything work-related over the weekend or for at least 24 hours.
Whatever boundaries you choose to put in place, setting these expectations with colleagues, bosses, and/or clients so they know you’re not reachable 24/7 will make a huge difference.
Rethink Your To-Do List
Another way you can create more time for family is to reassess your to-do list. It may be impossible to get everything done, so the first step is recognizing that and not beating yourself or your spouse up when certain things slip.
The reality is you can’t do everything 100% of the time and that’s ok!
Adapt your mindset to accept “good enough” in some cases and delegate what you can and then forget about the things that don’t have a significant impact. As yourself, “will it be a problem if X doesn’t get done?” If the answer is “no”, then reprioritize that task or remove it from your list altogether.